Great Falls 2 meter DMR/Analog FM
Repeater particulars:
146.800 MHz, offset minus 600 KHz
Analog FM access: PL encode/decode 100.0 Hz
DMR Admission: Color Code 2
DMR ID: 311796
7.5 miles NNE of Great Falls.
Equipment specifics:
Hytera RD982 repeater 50 watts
Tower height is
Operational mode:
Dynamic Dual Mode (analog FM or DMR digital on-demand)
DMR: Brandmeister
Static talk groups:
Time Slot 1 3145153
Time Slot 2 31301 MPRG1 Mac Pass Repeater Group
Dynamic talk groups:
Time Slot 1 All BrandMeister talk groups
Time Slot 2 PLEASE DO NOT USE TIME SLOT 2 for dynamic talk groups
6/7/20 On the air!